PLANS setting out details of the proposed residential development at the former Parr Stocks fire station site have been sent in to the council.

Proposals have been drawn up by Chris Jones, of developers Gradan Homes Ltd seeking permission to create 48 homes, consisting of houses and apartments.

The former St Helens Community Fire Station at Parr Stocks closed as part of a merger for the new "super station" which has opened at the former Pilkington land off Milverny Way, St Helens - close to Ravenhead Retail Park.

The building was placed on the market last year.

The sale of the site was delayed last November so it could be used as a COVID-19 testing centre until the sale was completed this month.

The Star reported in February when a prior notification for demolition of a fire station training tower to the back of the station had been submitted to the council by the developer.

The application said this was to to "enable a new housing development to be built" with the site to be "redeveloped for residential use".

The new application says that the main fire station building would be demolished under the plans to make way for the development.

In the short term, the former training centre and storage building at the site would be retained, until late during the construction process, to be utilised as the project site office and materials store.

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A design and access statement says that there are seven different types of properties planned for the development, including semi-detached houses; Town Houses (blocks of three or four houses); detached; flats and assisted living flats.

It adds: "The applicant considers that the proposed development will provide a good example in the re-use of previously developed vacant land, which will contribute towards the borough housing stock without harming local residential amenity or highway safety.

"Care has been taken to ensure this development reflects its position in the locality, along with the existing residential arrangements elsewhere on Parr Stocks Road.

"The new development will provide a mix of housing types and sizes which will offer suitable accommodation for all members of the community".

Gradan Homes had submitted proposals to demolish the former Raven Hotel building on Church Street in St Helens town centre and replace it with a block of flats, but these were refused permission by the council's planning committee last September.

The planning application for the Parr Stocks site is on standard consultation to the public until Friday, April 9.

A determination deadline has been set for Wednesday, June 16.

See the application here.