NEW Saints prop Agnatius Paasi had a choice of Super League clubs - but he admitted it was a chat with coach Kristian Woolf that had got him over the line.

Although rivals Leeds Rhinos had made the first move, the former New Zealand Warriors prop's connection with the Tonga boss was a decisive factor.

And having begun to get his feet under the table at training, Paasi is determined to repay that faith in him when he dons the red vee.

St Helens Star:

The 29-year-old explained: “It was a tough decision to come to England.

“I still had two more years with the Warriors but was down on the pecking order.

“Although I had another Super League club to deal with, just speaking with Kristian probably made my choice and made me lean to his side more.

“Talking with him and the things I can provide for the team and that pushed me over the line.

“St Helens winning back-to-back titles shows the standards Kristian has put in place here.”

St Helens Star:

Paasi fills the significant hole created by the departures of James Graham and Luke Thompson - and he understands that this is a big challenge, but one he is confident in rising to.

“I have to push myself to get up to those standards, especially given who I am replacing.

“I played a lot of footy against James Graham in the NRL and he is a tough old fella but it is up to me now to take that spot and make it my own.

“Hopefully I can prove that I am ready to take that step,” he said.

St Helens Star:

Saints have an option with Paasi - run him in tandem with Alex Walmsley to build up a tremendous go-forward and play off the back of that, or off the bench for some extra impact.

The big man, who prides himself on being something of an enforcer, will happily play where he is told to.

“I prefer to start,” he said.

“But wherever Woolfy puts me I don’t mind.

“I don’t mind bringing impact off the bench either – I will just be happy to play in the team.”

St Helens Star:

Paasi has been impressed with the set up at Saints - not simply the facilities but also his new bunch of team-mates.

“They are up there with their standards and do all the little things right…all the boys have been welcoming,” he said.

“I haven’t played since August so just want to get this (pre-season) over and done with and get on the park."

St Helens Star:

Paasi arrived in England in New Year with his partner Chloe, and four young boys aged 9, 5, 3 and 2.

Collectively they are getting used to the cold, having arrived here in the snow, and also getting used to it going dark at 4pm.

More seriously Covid and lockdown situation in England gave the family food for thought, especially moving from New Zealand where the virus has been well-contained.

But Paasi's focus was purely a professional focus on playing and a hunger to get on to the pitch.

"For me I was ready to come the next day after signing, for us guys it is all about getting over and playing.

"But for my partner she was getting down to the final detail of what the Covid rate was like over here.

"I didn’t think twice – I was here already," he said.

St Helens Star:

"Day-to-day it is easy for me as go to training along with the rest of the guys, but it is tough for my partner because we were getting back to doing things freely (back home) but coming here we are back to lockdown which is daunting.

"We have four boys that keep us on our toes, keeping them occupied and with home-schooling.

"We have to look through it and get through it together," he said.

All pictures copyright: Bernard Platt