PILKINGTON Glass has set out how it has been operating during the coronavirus lockdown.

Pilkingtons, owned by the Japanese NSG group, has explained how its operations have been affected by the pandemic.

Since Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the UK's lockdown on March 23, work at Pilkington's Cowley Hill and Borough Road sites has been suspended.

Meanwhile, skilled teams are still working at the Watson Street and Greengate sites due to the need to keep the glass making furnaces hot.

They are making "occasional despatches" for customers still requiring glass for essential projects".

A spokeswoman for Pilkingtons said: "Following the Prime Minister’s announcement of March 23, even though he did not instruct all businesses to close, the vast majority of our customers took the decision to stop their businesses over the following days.

"Within 10 days, we had completely suspended operations at our Cowley Hill and Borough Road sites.

"On sites with glass making furnaces, we still have to keep them hot and so still have skilled teams attending our Watson Street and Greengate sites with only occasional despatches to those customers still requiring glass for essential projects."

The firm said that it has as many employees working from home as possible, while some have been furloughed.

Workers who are attending the Watson Street and Greengate sites are following guidance on social distancing and hygiene.

The spokeswoman added: "We have complied with the guidelines to have as many people as possible working from home. Some of our team are furloughed and those still attending our sites are doing so in accordance with guidelines on distancing, hygiene etc.

"We are ready to increase despatches when the government considers easing restrictions and our customers will have an increase in demand."