SIX-year-old boy sets up dog toy box in park, and the community just love it.

Queen's Park Primary pupil Joshua Forster loves dogs, particularly his auntie Ainsley's dog Rex.

St Helens Star:

Joshua with the first box

Ainsley regularly does the school run with Joshua from The Shires and his sister Keira and while doing that she walks her pet dog Rex.

However Joshua decided to come up with an idea to help his aunties and other dog owners who walk their pets in Taylor Park.

St Helens Star:

Joshua and Ainsley

Ainsley, 27, said: "We often walk to dogs and my dog Rex is always stealing other dogs ball in Taylor Park and then after playing with him the balls get so wet and gross but we have to carry them home in our pockets.

"Just randomly Joshua came up with the idea of leaving them at the park but I told him they would be stolen.

St Helens Star:

"That's when he came up with the idea to bring a hard box that everyone could put their dog's toys in and it could stay at the park.

"Nobody wants to carry wet, muddy balls home with them, so the idea is that people can leave them there.

St Helens Star:

Joshua and Keira

"So we went and got one and we got really lovely feedback saying that everyone loved the idea."

However Joshua and Ainsley were shocked when people posted on People of St Helens Facebook page that the box had been broken just a few weeks later.

St Helens Star:

The original dog box

Ainsley said: "I showed Joshua and he just said 'Ainsley why would anyone do that? Oh well we will have to make another one'

"Loads of people saw the post of the broken box online and realised that Joshua was trying to do something nice and we got loads of messages from people offering to replace the box.

"Loads of people liked the posts, it was crazy really.

St Helens Star:

Joshua with the new dog toy box and dog toys

"One lovely lady got in touch and bought a new box and yesterday we put the new dog box in the Taylor Park.

"It was nice because as we were there, two men said 'oh the dog box is back' Joshua was just made up.

"I'd tell people to be more like Josh, it's nice to be nice."