THE largest primary school in St Helens has received rich praise from government inspectors, who describe it as a very exciting and interesting place for pupils to learn.

Ofsted says Legh Vale Primary School in Haydock provides "an outstanding education for its pupils" and that teaching is excellent.

In 18 out of 20 key inspection judgements the primary school secured "outstanding" rankings and the report found there were no significant areas where it can improve.

Inspectors added that "outstanding leadership and management lead to positive outcomes for pupils' excellent achievement and development".

Both teachers and pupils have won praise and learning is said to be very exciting and interesting.

The report states: "The quality of teaching, learning and the curriculum is outstanding. Strengths of the teaching in all classes include high expectations for what pupils can achieve and a wide range of teaching styles that promotes pupils' independence and skills at problem solving.

"The pupils learn exceptionally well because staff encourage the culture You can do this'. The curriculum has a richness that promotes pupils' enjoyment of school exceptionally well."

Inspectors added that "outstanding leadership and management lead to positive outcomes for pupils' excellent achievement and development".

Legh Vale has 619 pupils and now takes in greater numbers following the closure of Richard Evans Primary School, in Haydock last year.

Inspectors found the children "enjoy school very much and behave exceptionally well", while their manners and politeness is also said to be exemplary.

Headteacher Mike Hewlett is also praised, with reporting inspector Frank Carruthers, who visited the school on Wednesday, September 19 this year, stating: "The headteacher provides inspirational leadership, encouraging and enabling those around him to improve their own expertise and be adventurous in all that they do."