A NEW planning application has been drawn up seeking to build homes near to the Red Cat pub in Crank.

A fresh application from Punch seeks to create two houses at the site.

The new proposals include plans for new access off Highfield Drive, associated car parking, landscaping and other ancillary works, along with the reconfiguration of the Red Cat pub car park.

A previous planning application for four houses at the site were dismissed by planning officers who said the development would have "a detrimental impact on the amenity of surrounding occupants due to an unacceptable loss of privacy".

The proposals sparked numerous objection letters from residents.

Concerns included worries over the impact it would have on neighbours' views and traffic hazards due to the proximity to the car park.

The new plans for two homes have sparked some objection letters. Rainford Parish Council has expressed concerns over the use of green belt land and over insufficient car parking spaces at the Red Cat.

The planning application is on public consultation until Tuesday, September 10.