A WOMEN’S hub has been officially launched at Century House on Hardshaw Street – to introduce arts, crafts and health and wellbeing to visitors.

The meetings are staged by charity Apex Trust between 10am and 3pm on Wednesday in the first floor offices. The hub has been funded by the John Moores Foundation, Asda Foundation, Big Lottery’s Community Fund and Magic Little Grants.

Kim Hughes, the chief executive of Apex, said: “The hub is a safe space for women to attend and talk to other like-minded woman without feeling judged.

“Our aim is to improve women’s mental wellbeing, reduce feelings of isolation and build confidence and self-worth.”

The launch event earlier this month was well attended by partner agencies, volunteers and local women.

Kim added: “The hub and today’s launch event would not be possible without the support of our funders and partner agencies, for which we would like to say a huge thank you. We have the privilege of working with the ladies and seeing the difference the funding makes to their lives, it’s very moving”.

There was a number of volunteers and local women at the launch some of who are already attending the hub’s activities, one lady said “coming to the hub has made a big difference to me, I really enjoy the activities we do but more than that. I really enjoy talking to the other woman and I have made some really great friends.”

Apex Charitable Trust is a charity that works with women providing information, advice and guidance. To find out more call 01744 612898.