I WOULD like to write in support of the letter, written by Frances Lester, that appeared in the Star dated July 20 regarding potential dangers being caused by careless cyclists in St Helens town centre.

My mum, 82, and I have had to step aside many times to avoid getting injured not only by cyclists but also by skateboarders who appear to be allowed to behave as they please in the St Helens town centre.

I’ve come to wonder now which areas of the town’s pavements that pedestrians are actually allowed to use without the risk of being run over.
My mother is deaf and I especially worry about her when she is shopping by herself, particularly on Church Street.

I’ve been with her when cyclists have whistled past her at full speed with only millimetres to spare and wondered what would have happened if she had chosen that moment to move over to one side directly into the cyclist’s path because she couldn’t hear him coming.

If the council want more people to come into the town centre, why are they not taking the necessary steps to make the centre safer for us?

(Name and address submitted)