JUST a few words to say a very big thank you to Alan and Lewis and all on the Heart Smart team, part of Healthy Living St Helens, and to Sue and Joanne and all on the cardiac rehabilitation team at Fingerpost, St Helens.

They get people back to health with a smile, not only cheering people up, but giving them direction, purpose, and a plan to take home and put into practice themselves.

In fostering good habits and boosting confidence, they help people to turn their lives around and regain their futures.

They show you that it’s all doable, putting the tools in your hands. They get you exercising the right way, and do so with in a manner that that is both thoroughly professional and profoundly human.

It’s not just that they deliver the right exercises and information,
it’s the way that they do it, with the personal touch, recognising the uniqueness of each and all within a warm and welcoming environment.

My last session was March 7, a few days later on March 11 and I’m a few thousand feet up Mt Baldy in California.

So I’ve gone on to “bigger” things, as was said at the last

But not necessarily “better.”
You’ll find no bigger heart than here in the work these guys do.

Peter Critchley
Dentons Green