WELL here we have it. Just before the New Year we had Lord Adonis resigning from his government position which only had weeks to run anyway.

So there was no great sacrifice on his behalf but of course it gave him a platform for his anti- Brexit rhetoric which any fool can see is a well organised campaign. The main aim is to provide the news media with a steady stream of anti-Brexit propaganda to try and break the will of the British electorate who gave the government the legal mandate to carry out its wishes.

Now after Adonis’ ridiculous resignation speech it was the ring master’s turn and up pops a true socialist multi-millionaire in the form of Tony Blair who sees fit to lecture us and insult the intelligence of the British people.

As I see it, the more these pompous political has – beens rant on preaching their misguided ideology, the more they damage their own cause as even a larger number of those who voted to leave also believed in the absolute sanctity of the ballot box and accepted the result.

But be in no doubt these enemies of democracy will use every trick in the book to deny the people the outcome they voted for.

The path they are treading has long term implications to our whole system of government going back to the Magna Carta and lest we forget our parents and grandparents fought tyranny in two world wars to protect our democratic rights .

It is not for the likes Blair, Heseltine, Clegg, Cable and the rest of this unholy alliance to use for their own selfish motives.

Mr H Bradbury, Clinkham Wood