I HAVE written before about the speed and volume of traffic passing through Clock Face village.

It is perhaps inevitable that traffic volume is increasing. However, the speed at which traffic passes through is normally well above the 30mph speed limit. The situation has been made worse recently by the increasing number of huge, high-sided vehicles that pass through daily. They only slow down when another massive vehicle is coming the other way. Royal Mail trucks that flash through the village daily seem to be involved in some kind of wager as to which driver can do it quickest.

I have asked through local government channels if we can have ‘30’ signs either painted on the road, fastened to lamp posts or both but it seems the powers that be are unable to comply because the area is ‘too built up’.

This is obviously nonsense. It would seem common sense has nothing to do with traffic laws. Are the people of Clock Face not worth protecting? Why is it that despite Clock Face Road being one of the most dangerous roads in the borough, the powers that be do nothing to improve road safety in our village?

Ernie Bate, Clock Face Road