I WAS disgusted at the content of the Labour advert in the Star (March 26).

As a man whose politics are on most issues are well to the left of centre, I am wondering how so many of the electorate from Labour to Conservative have abandoned their political allegiance to support UKIP.

I am also asking why most sections of the press and the spin doctors of the main parties are continually attacking UKIP.

The advert goes some way toward answering my questions, for having taking the trouble to read the UKIP manifesto in the light of the accusations, I urge all voters to do the same and expose the misleading statements.

Labour's arrogance is shown in its five pledges.

On each of these – the economy, higher living standards, the NHS, immigration and young people, you need to look back at the record of the last Labour government. They left us with the greatest budget deficit in history, immigration out of control, a derisory minimum wage and massive youth unemployment.

When they use the NHS as a political football, they should remember that the £800million annual deficit in the NHS is directly down to the £2billion that the NHS has to find each year to fund the PFI payments to private sector financiers.

I will not be voting for any of the main parties – if I vote at all – but I am undecided between the Greens and UKIP.

I once would not have thought this possible at one time, but perhaps it reflects the failure of the main parties to address the aspirations and priorities of the electorate.

Mike Perry, Prescot Road