HARRY Bradbury was right in his suspicion of TV debate, but we are in a personality cult regime where the media love to create debate and mistrust.

It is no wonder the voters get turned off with promises that mean little and policy, especially so near an election, tries to convince all is well.

Having canvassed over the years I am of the opinion most people have already made up their mind for who to support citing whatever takes their fancy.

Harry I will watch the “snake-oil” salesmen and the “pork barrel” promises with interest plus the length of their noses at the end. It is a personality cult (how to eat a bacon sandwich, how many kitchens one has) not an election plus cheap TV for the media. It was not Cameron bullying the BBC but the other way round, all to massage the egos of the pundits.

If a debate is the only way to make up Star readers’ minds then where have you been for the last five years?

As I wrote most have already made up their minds. It’s called democracy or is it? “Come on Down” with this game show!

Bill Bradbury, Billinge