EVERYBODY is always looking for the quick fix to weight loss. It's human nature people that want to lose the weight and they want to have lost it yesterday.

Now the weight didn't appear in a short space of time so why do people expect it to disappear in a short space of time?

This mind-set is what has made crash diets so popular — but at what long term cost?

I think the most important thing to point out is there is not a quick fix. I've said this before in previous columns I can't stress that enough. In fact, it's the quick fix crash diets that have got your weight yo-yoing and is setting your body up for weight loss failure.


Crash diets are where someone tries to quickly lose weight by cutting down on the amount of calories they eat. They don't work for long-term weight loss, and most certainly aren't healthy.

Many diets:

• Radically restrict your daily calorie intake;

• Miss out entire food groups;

• Slow down your metabolism;

• Prevent you from getting important nutrients and vitamins that your body needs to function properly.

Dietitian Ursula Arens says that plans like this are not recommended for weight loss and can make you feel unwell, "because they are nutritionally unbalanced, crash diets can lead to long-term poor health."

Recent research by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK) found that people who had lost a lot of weight after extreme dieting had battled with hunger and cravings and had since gained the weight back and in most cases were heavier than when they started.

The study found that levels of the hormone Leptin, which helps control hunger, virtually disappeared, leaving the dieters feeling hungry all the time. Then, once they started eating normal again their Leptin slowly began to increase — but only to half its previous levels meaning they experienced great hunger, while their metabolisms were less able to burn energy from food.

The six-year study reveals the extent to which the body fights extreme weight loss, and it's frightening. Rachel Batterham, of the centre for Obesity research at University College London stated that tampering with the body's predisposition to fight weight loss will result in uncomfortable weight gain in almost all cases. She added: "These changes do not reverse once the person returns to their previously higher weight, they continue". Hence why crash dieters end up weighing more than they did at the start.


Look to lose the weight in a healthy steady manor around 0.5 to 2lbs a week this way it is more likely to stay of and also be fat loss.

Stop looking for a quick fix — it isn't out there. Follow the tips below and you'll achieve long term success in both weight and inch losses, as well as in your general health and wellbeing

Make sure you:

• Eat a balanced diet of protein, complex carbohydrates, good fats and antioxidant rich fruit and veg;

• Avoid all foods high in simple sugars. Stay below 5g per 100g, check your food labels;

• Limit alcohol consumption. There's no way around it sorry — alcohol is empty calories. However in reality most people aren't going to abstain so control how much you drink. Instead of every night limit to once a week or special occasions;

• Increase calorie expenditure. Basically do more exercise! Its important that whatever you do, such as walking, cycling or going the gym, make sure it's getting you breathless and you're moving all your major muscle groups. But you must progress it don't keep doing the same — the body will adapt so keep taxing it;

• Be consistent. Consistency is key to long term success;

• Control your treats. I allow my clients a cheat meal a week. This enables you to have the things that aren't really good for you, but in reality you're not going to abstain from for the rest of your life. So this way it gives you control. Plan the cheat, enjoy it, then get back to balanced diet. This way you get to enjoy a treat, but more importantly be in control of it.


I'm well known for my transformation success with my clients and get asked all the time how I do it.

• I get my clients eating regularly every three hours and a healthy balanced diet so each meal contains: complex carbs, protein, good fats, antioxidant fruit or vegetables. Clients always say to me they have never eaten so much;

2. Consistency. The main word to success, in both exercise and nutrition;

3. Progression. As the body changes and progresses so must the exercise and also the diet.

I will soon be running a competition giving you readers the chance to win a free body transformation package with myself worth £500. Details of how to enter will be in the paper very soon.

Got a question you'd like to ask Mark? Email your question to: mark@huntpersonaltraining.co.uk.