A ST HELENS entrepreneur has been ranked above executives from Netflix, T-Mobile and General Motors in a most influential CEO list.

Liam Hacket, 24, who is originally from Clock Face, is the founder of the anti-bullying charity Ditch the Label and has been named 51st in the world's top 500 most influential chief executive officers.

The list was put together by Richtopia, who base their ranking system on social media influence and digital presence. Liam, who now lives in Brighton, is also ranked above West Ham's Karren Brady, Worl Wrestling Entertainment's Vince McMahon and top executives from Virgin Sport, 02 UK, Airbnb, Ann Summers and Snapchat.

Liam was inspired to found Ditch the Label after he was bullied as a child. It has now grown to be one of the largest charities of its kind in the UK and has launched internationally this year meaning his social media influence could rise even higher.

After learning of his ranking Liam said: "When things like this happen it's an honour to be even considered. You just look at where you've come but to hear the names below me is quite humbling. It just shows the importance of social media in how to grow a brand. I think we bring a lot of invention to the table and we approach things differently and our advice differs from what young people are usually being fed. I think that's really important."