OVER the next couple of months visitors to Knowsley Safari Park will be able to see a display of male dominance from Pere David deer as they battle for female attention.

It's the summer breeding season at the park when things are expected to hot up.

Eveline De Wolf head of animals at Knowsley said: “Rutting time is always an exciting few weeks, one of the highlights of year.

“The male deer are preparing for the rut, currently they are sizing each other up and sparring. Mature stags with the largest antlers utilise their bulk and impressive headwear to intimidate the competition - they also call out to compete for the loudest male. Although, the younger males tend to stay back, they still spar with each other as they practice.”

She highlighted several tell-tale signs to spot the rut including looking for lone stage with a group of females. He will be looking for challenges from other potential competitors.

Young and upcoming stags will be decorating their antlers with mud as they practice sparring with one another.

Look out for the larger copper coloured males and watch the herd's behaviour. A challenge can start and end quickly.

Originally from China Pere David deer are now extinct in the wild.